ITE 195-32-80004
Microsoft Office Excel 2003

Semester:       Fall 2005                                               Time:                   4:30 –– 7:15

Instructor:      Travis Lee Perry                                    Location:             DDC-off campus site

E-mail:                                   Office Hours:      By appointment only

Phone:             (276) 467-2306 or (276) 467-2665    Class Web Page:


Course Description

This course provides an introduction to Microsoft Office Excel 2003. Topics include creating a worksheet and an embedded chart formulas, functions, formatting, and Web queries, What-If analysis, charting, and working with large worksheets, creating static and dynamic Web pages using Excel, financial functions, data tables, amortization schedules, and hyperlinks, creating, sorting, and querying a list, creating templates and working with multiple worksheets and workbooks, object linking and embedding (OLE) and Web discussions. 

 Textbook and supplies

 Microsoft Office Excel 2003: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques
Shelly Cashman Quasney  (ISBN: 1-4188-4360-1)
Two 3 ½” floppy disks


Course Grade                                     Points        Approximate % of Grade
Announced examinations (2)                         200                            43
Unannounced quizzes (4)                                80                            17
Laboratory and out-of-class assignments       180                            39
Extra credit                                               25

Point System: 460 total assigned points; 485 total possible points with extra credit.
A   >= 414
B    >= 368
C   >= 322
D   >= 276

Student Conduct In Class Policy
Any acts of classroom disruption that go beyond the normal rights of students to question and discuss with instructors the educational process relative to subject content will not be tolerated, in accordance with the Academic Code of Conduct described in the Student Handbook.

Disabilities Policy

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), all qualified students enrolled in this course are entitled to “reasonable accommodations.” Please notify the instructor during the first week of class of any accommodations needed for the course.

Examination Policy
There are two announced examinations and four unannounced quizzes. No make-up exams will be allowed without prior arrangements being made. Make-up exams must be taken when scheduled. No quiz make-ups are allowed.

Preparing for Examinations: Attend lectures and read the chapters. At least 90% of the questions are taken directly from the reading material. The Quick Reference Summary is also available on the class web site.

In Case You Are Late or Absent: It is your responsibility to get the course notes, handouts, and laboratory assignments should you miss class or be late.

Laboratory Policy
Although the laboratory assignments comprise only 30% of a grade, a student can receive a final grade no greater than a D if more than three laboratory assignments are not handed in. Laboratory assignments receiving less than a 50% score are considered not turned in.

The lecture, laboratory, and examination schedule is shown on the next page. You are expected to read each assigned project prior to the lecture. Lectures will be short, to the point, and will discuss the highlights of the Project for that week. Most of the class time will be spent working on your Laboratory assignments.

Weekly Laboratory assignments can only be handed in immediately BEFORE lectures begins the following week. Laboratory assignments handed in after lecture begins the following week are considered late.

No assignments will be accepted more than one week late. Late assignments are penalized 25%, and assignments two weeks late are penalized 50%. Plan to spend approximately six to eight hours each week working on laboratory assignments.

Make sure your name, student ID, and exercise number appear in the upper-left corner. If an exercise has multiple sheets, then staple them together. Do not staple different assignments together. Disorganized assignments (pages out of order, mislabeled, unreadable, etc.) will receive a grade of zero. If there are multiple sheets to be handed in, then sequence them according to the order you were told to print them in the exercise.


Reading Assignment

Laboratory Assignment

August 23

Excel Project 1

1. Do Excel Project 1

2. Page EX 57, Apply Your Knowledge 1

3. Page EX 61, In the Lab 3

August 30

Excel Project 2

1. Do Excel Project 2

2. Page EX 136, In the Lab 3

September 6

Excel Project 3 (Part 1)

1. Do Excel Project 3

2. Page EX 215, In the Lab 2

September 13

Excel Project 3 (Part 2)

1. Page EX 211, Apply Your Knowledge 1

2. Page EX 218, In the Lab 3

September 20

Excel Web Feature

1. Do Excel Web Feature (print out Web pages in browser)

September 27

No Class


October 4

Excel Project 4

1. Do Excel Project 4

2. Page EX 296 Apply Your Knowledge 1

1. Page EX 297, In the Lab 1

October 11

Excel Project 5

1. Do Excel Project 5

2. Page EX 371, In the Lab 2

October 18

Excel Project 6

1. Do Excel Project 6

2. Page EX 460, In the Lab 3

October 25

Excel Integration Feature

1. Do Excel Integration Feature

November 1

Excel Project 7

1. Do Excel Project 7, Apply Your Knowledge 1

November 8

Excel Project 7 (Part 2)

2. Page EX 559, In the Lab 1

November 15

Excel Project 8

1. Do Excel Project 8, Apply Your Knowledge 1

November 22

Excel Project 8 (Part 2)

2. Page EX 633, In the Lab 1

November 29

Excel Project 9

1. Do Excel Project 9, Apply Your Knowledge 1

December 6

Final Exam

